week some crazy man on the street passed a huge group of people waiting for the
bus. My companion and I were in this group, waiting to take the bus to Centro
for a district meeting. He was walking fast and saying ``Bom dia`` and ``Tudo
Bem`` to absolutely everyone. He saw me and approached me nearly running,
starting a conversation loud enough for everyone to hear as if we were best
friends who hadn't seen each other in a year and a half. He had a lisp. I can't
understand people without lisps half the time, so in this situation I was
toasty toast. He was practically yelling at me, completely animated, and I was
just nodding and saying ``Ohhhh, sim!`` and ``Nao acredito!!`` My companion
stepped back and let me have a conversation with my new best friend for
probably 10 minutes, and it was maybe the strangest thing that has ever
happened to me. The good news is that now me and the man on the street are
buddy buddies.
started pouring rain yesterday and naturally I forgot my coat. There I am,
waddling around, looking for anyone to teach, and suddenly every person in
Brazil is busy making eggs and toast. (People here don't even eat eggs and
toast, I KNOW YOU'RE LYING!) Soaking wet, no one to teach, middle of a dirt
road and I just started laughing. OH MY GOSH WHAT AM I DOING?!?!?! (This
picture is me very wet when somebody finally let us in.)
been getting a lot of pressure to perform and our area honestly is super
struggling right now. One night my companion and I sat down and she said
something that has stuck with me all week: ``Sister Brooks, the Lord wants
souls. Some people may want numbers, but the Lord wants souls.`` Well my
goodness, yes He does!! I keep thinking of the scripture in Ether that AFTER
the trial of our faith we see miracles. I'm pretty thrilled for the moment
after the trial of my faith. The Lord values patience a lot. I have no
patience. What a stinky opportunity to learn.
grateful I am for prayer. At the end of a difficult day, how grateful I am that
I can kneel down and say. ``Well. I worked a lot today and have absolutely
nothing to show for it. Help me feel like I'm an alright person.`` I'm learning
a lot about what the Lord expects from us, and it is often a lot different from
what people expect from us.
I so
wish I had exciting stories of people we found this week to tell!! WE had two
baptisms this week and were informed by them yesterday that they weren't
interested anymore. We talked to so many wonderful people this week and I am
obsessed with them all. I think one change I want to make is really help the
first lesson be focused on Jesus Christ. People always feel the Spirit when you
focus on the Savior:)
I am in
love with Portuguese. I LOVE IT! I WILL SPEAK IT FOREVER!!! I love to study it,
because it's a technical language with many rules. It's like a really hard math
problem that always has a solution, or like a complex puzzle. The interesting
thing is that no one hear speaks correctly, all the rules I read so much
I would
tell you that you're speaking your language wrong, but I don't know how to say
We also
had a women's conference with the sisters in my area. We learned the importance
of putting on make-up and being a classy and elegant woman. Worst part of my
mission so far, no exceptions. Except that they did feed us chocolate
Lord wants souls. I'm pretty confident that there are souls here He needs, and
I get to learn a little bit about patience right now:) And I get to learn about
laughing in the rain, and apparently about how to put on make-up, oh heaven
help me.
thing is for certain. I love the Lord. He listens to us when we pray, and He
loves us always, and what I am trying so very hard to teach people is truly the
gospel of Jesus Christ. What a priviledge :)
this is me at the girly conference.
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